At a Monday rally outside the downtown jail, Denver Sheriff Department deputies criticized city officials and blamed them for creating a dangerous climate behind bars.

Inmates are becoming increasingly aggressive, and deputies are hesitant to use force for fear of getting into trouble, they said. That makes a hard job even more difficult, and deputies hoped their rally wins them public support and respect.

“The deputies are afraid to do their jobs,” said Sgt. Charles Denovellis, a 22-year veteran of the department. “Ninety-nine-point-nine percent of the deputies do a fine job.

“They’re afraid a Monday- morning quarterback is going to come back and find the one rule they violated. It’s frustrating from a supervisory standpoint.”

Tension between the deputies and Denver’s administration has been brewing for months as the city conducts a top-to-bottom review of the department. Mayor Michael Hancock called for reform this summer after a series of embarrassing excessive-force cases and after the city agreed to pay a $3.25 million settlement to former inmate Jamal Hunter, who was choked by a deputy and beaten and scalded by other inmates after another deputy looked away.

More than 100 deputies attended the rally, which took place as the city defends itself in another excessive-force case. The family of former inmate Marvin Booker sued the city and five deputies after the homeless street preacher died in custody after being handcuffed, shocked with a Taser, put in a chokehold and hit with nunchucks.

Booker’s supporters crashed the deputies’ rally, turning it into a chaotic scene as they chanted and shouted over Fraternal Order of Police speakers. The Booker supporters held a sign that read, “Stop whining, murderous crybabies.” Deputies positioned themselves in front of the sign to try to block it from news photographers.

The rally was organized by the Fraternal Order of Police Denver Sheriff Lodge 27, which represents the majority of deputies in collective bargaining.

Union leaders who spoke said they wanted a meeting with Hancock to discuss their concerns.

Michael Violette, executive director of the Colorado Fraternal Order of Police, said city officials are not doing enough to reassure deputies they are doing a good job and that they are concerned about their well-being.

“It’s about the way this is being handled,” Violette said. “The public perception is the deputies who work here are thugs. That’s simply not true.”

Hancock’s office on Monday did not commit to meet with union officials, saying they already had open communication with the union and the deputies.

The mayor and Stephanie O’Malley, executive director of the Denver Department of Public Safety, have met with the department’s command staff and rank-and-file deputies. They also have received feedback through suggestion boxes and an e-mail address specifically for people who want to comment on reform.

“We’ve had an open dialogue with the Fraternal Order of Police throughout this entire process,” said Amber Miller, the mayor’s spokeswoman. “We plan on keeping that open dialogue with them.”

Several deputies who attended the rally declined to give their names to The Denver Post, saying they feared retaliation from top city officials for speaking out.

The Fraternal Order of Police also claims inmates are becoming more aggressive and are provoking deputies into use of force as they look for an opportunity to file a lawsuit.

Deputy Michael Nester agreed that is happening.

“The inmates know how to play the game,E and the administration is playing along with them,” he said.

The administration also has changed rules on how deputies deal with inmates, effectively undermining deputies’ authority, Sgt. Denovellis said.

For example, deputies who work in the downtown jail’s intake center can no longer tell people to sit up in their seats while they wait to be booked, he said.

As a result, dozens of people are lying down, and it’s hard to tell if someone is in distress from a health problem or potential overdose.

Denovellis said the rule change is a safety issue.

“That’s just a minor thing, but it’s one of the things that they are changing and it’s making our jobs harder.”

Noelle Phillips: 303-954-1661, or