by Ron DeLord | Jan 10, 2017 | Collective Bargaining, Labor, Police, Politics, Unions
In response to allegations of heavy-handed punishment and allusions to racism, Miami’s top administrator on Friday issued a memo detailing the sex, race and transgressions of every full-time employee fired under his watch — a dirty laundry list that...
by Ron DeLord | May 31, 2016 | Collective Bargaining, Fire, Labor, Police, Politics, Public Employees (Non-Sworn), Unions
Fully recovered from a financial crisis during the late 2000s, Miami commissioners are finally restoring the pay and benefits they unilaterally stripped from their employees in order to balance their books — and giving budget crunchers heartburn in the process. Taking...
by Ron DeLord | Apr 25, 2016 | Labor, Police, Politics, Unions
Miami-Dade won’t bring on dozens of police cadets as planned late this summer, saying it has already met hiring targets. A cadet class scheduled to start in August will be delayed at least until the fall, officials said Thursday, describing a move that would slide the...
by Ron DeLord | Apr 10, 2016 | Labor, Police, Politics, Unions
This could be the start of something big. In fact, it has to be. Last week, Julie Jones, secretary of the state’s Department of Corrections, announced an initiative to recruit 4,000 corrections officers by July 2017. This move is crucial to plugging the staffing gaps...
by Ron DeLord | Apr 10, 2016 | Collective Bargaining, Labor, Police, Politics, Unions
A Miami Beach cop, worried about his words being twisted at trial, recently used his newly outfitted “body camera” to record a hallway interview by a defense attorney — without telling her first. The resulting objection from the Miami-Dade Public Defender’s Office, it...